
The Alchemist

Print Design

The Alchemist

The Alchemist

An international best seller and translated into 56 different languages.

The book follows the journey of an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago. He believes a recurring dream of his to be prophetic. He asks a fortune teller in a nearby town about the dream’s meaning. The fortune teller interprets the dream as a prophecy telling Santiago that he will discover a treasure at the Egyptian pyramids. He then embarks on his journey to Egypt facing many challenges that test his will to follow his dreams.

Along the way Santiago meets a 200 year old Alchemist. He teaches Santiago that the secret of alchemy is written on a stone called the Emerald Tablet. That the ultimate creation of alchemy is the Master Work, which consists of a solid called the Philosopher’s Stone that can turn lead to gold, and a liquid called the Elixir of Life that can cure all ills. The metal turning itself into gold functions as the dominant symbol in The Alchemist and represents Santiago’s journey to achieve his Personal Legend.

To reach one’s personal journey you must follow your heart and never give up on your dreams. This book resonated with me and inspired the collector’s edition cover.

The launch of the collector’s edition of The Alchemist required a new look for the Paulo Cohelo website. The homepage focuses on the new book launch and the author’s charity.

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